Primary One Induction
Welcome to our Primary 1 information page!
Congratulations on receiving a place for your child at Lisnasharragh Primary School. This area of the website is made especially for new Primary 1 children and their parents/carers who will be joining our school family in September 2025.
The purpose of this page is to provide you with information about your child’s introduction to Lisnsharragh Primary School. This information and accompanying photos/video complements the School Prospectus which is issued to all new parents. We hope the transition to Primary 1 is a happy and enjoyable experience.
Our aim in Lisnasharrgh is to offer your child a happy, caring environment, which caters for individual needs through all areas of the curriculum. On behalf of everyone here at Lisnasharragh, we hope that we will be able to work closely together so that your child will have the most memorable and successful time at our school. Rest assured your child is at the heart of everything we endeavor to do here for the benefit of all children.
our school
Meet our parents
Getting Ready for school
Developing Number-Top Tips
Meet our P1 team
Starting School!
Getting your child ready for school is important! Here is some information which we share with you at our P1 Parents' Evening with some tips for getting your child ready for starting Primary School.
Sharing stories with your child
Make a Writing Box