Lisnasharragh School has a large staff team of teachers, teaching assistants, administrative staff, lunchtime supervisory assistants and premises staff. All staff work closely together, each bringing their own experience and expertise to ensure an integrated approach to the education and welfare of the pupils.
As well as teachers and teaching assistants, the school also benefits from support and advice provided by multi-agency professionals. This includes educational psychology, clinical psychology, speech therapy and occupational therapy etc. This support and advice is designed to complement the curriculum and experience for the pupils so that we can provide a stable, structured and caring environment where pupils feel emotionally supported and secure.
Everyone who works with the pupils at Lisnasharragh School is committed to continuing professional development so that they can constantly update their skills.
Mrs L. Stewart
Designated Teacher For Child Protection
mrs Audrey Palnoch
Vice Principal
Special Education Needs
Assessment Data Analysis Reporting
Deputy Designated teacher for Safeguarding and Child Protection
Foundation Stage Staff
Key Stage 1 staff
Key Stage 2 staff
Miss Speers
Boost group teacher
Learning Support Assistants
Mrs Hall
Mrs Creighton
Mrs Finlay
Mrs Dodds
Mrs Ewing
Mrs Graham
Mrs Houghton
Mrs Galbraith
Mrs Mc Donald
Miss Ellis
Miss Wolff
Mrs Mitchell
Mrs Messom
Mrs O Hare
Miss Woodrow
Miss Grieve
Mrs Laing
Mrs Todd
Mrs Hewitt
Mrs Mc Gilton
Mrs Cox
Mrs Millar
Miss Stewart